New Jersey Fatal Car Accident Attorneys

Proudly serving all of New Jersey


Helping Families After an Auto Accident Wrongful Death

Losing a child, spouse or parent in a car accident is one of the most devastating things a person can ever face. Knowing that the accident was preventable makes the death even harder. In some instances, a preventable fatality may warrant a wrongful death claim. Wrongful death accidents affect families, friends, and co-workers. As opposed to accidents where merely injury is sustained, wrongful death accidents cannot be fully compensated for, regardless of the monetary amount that a negligible party is held responsible for.

New Jersey wrongful death attorney, such as those at Lependorf & Silverstein, P.C., can explain this complicated area of law, provide caring support and help you decide whether to file a wrongful death claim on behalf of your loved one who was unfairly taken from you.

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Our Fatal Car Accident Verdicts and Settlements

  • $875,000 – The estate of pedestrian struck and killed by an automobile
  • $500,000 – Awarded to the estate of a Pennington woman who succumbed to injuries sustained in a collision.

Please note that each case is unique. To learn more about what your case may be worth, please call (609) 240-0040 to schedule a free consultation with us today. Click here for more verdicts and settlements.

Request your FREE car accident police report.

Request Your Free Police Report

Lependorf & Silverstein, P.C., is happy to assist you with getting your crash report at no cost. Visit our police report request page and fill out our form. We’ll take care of the rest.

When to File a NJ Wrongful Death Claim

Under state law, another party’s negligence causes a wrongful death. This party could be the other driver or the company that manufactured the vehicle. These are possible situations for filing a wrongful death claim:

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Compensation for Wrongful Death Damages in NJ

Claimants can seek a number of types of damages in a wrongful death lawsuit. Surviving family members may receive compensation for the following:

  • Punitive damages
  • Loss of companionship resulting from a family member’s death
  • Loss of future income
  • Funeral expenses
  • Medical expenses if such costs were incurred before the death
  • Lost benefits
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost services such as child care

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Fatal Accident Causes

Accidents can occur for a variety of reasons. Driver inattention can cause a traffic accident wrongful death in a matter of seconds. Studies have shown that cell phone usage, both traditional phone conversations and text messaging, negatively impact our judgment, rendering us just as incapable of being attentive to the road as we would be if we were under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol itself is another inhibitor that seriously clouds our judgment, and can eliminate our ability to incorporate safe driving practice into our daily commutes. Similarly, sleep deprivation alters judgment, and slows reaction time, both of which adversely affect a motorist’s ability to safely maneuver roads and highways.

Finally, it should be noted that driver negligence is not the only cause of accidents on New Jersey roads and highways. Improper upkeep of traffic signals and roadways can also lead to wrongful death traffic accidents. If traffic signals are not functioning properly, if street signs are obscured or faded, if roads or highways are in disrepair, or if construction materials are left haphazardly along the side of the road, potentially finding their way into the paths of motorists, then the probability of a crash occurring is greatly increased, and all results from negligence displayed by the governing body in the area that is responsible for maintenance of roads and highways.

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Consulting a NJ Car Accident Wrongful Death Attorney

New Jersey car accident lawsuits can be difficult to prove because the attorney must not only establish that a motorist or company was negligent, but also that the negligence was the cause of death. Unfortunately, there is also a statute of limitations on wrongful death claims, meaning you only have a limited amount of time to bring a case to court. As difficult as it is to think about legal matters in your time of grief, it is important to contact a wrongful death attorney as soon as possible. Contact the NJ personal injury attorneys at Lependorf & Silverstein, P.C. to seek justice if you have lost a loved one in a collision.

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Additional Information

The firm’s principals, Gabriel R. Lependorf and David E. Silverstein, have each been representing injured victims in the State of New Jersey for over thirty years.

Call Our Office At (609) 240-0040 Today for Help