New Jersey Truck Accident Death Attorneys

Proudly serving all of New Jersey

Legal Representation in Fatal Truck Accident Cases

Accidents between a truck and a car, SUV or van often end in tragedy for the occupants of the smaller vehicle. Statistics indicate that a person dies or suffers serious injuries roughly every 16 minutes because of truck crashes. Many reasons for these collisions are given, yet most of them boil down to one thing: negligence. When drivers or trucking companies ignore regulations, either intentionally or carelessly, and an innocent life is lost, the New Jersey wrongful death lawyers of Lependorf & Silverstein, P.C. is ready to step in and support the families left behind.

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NJ State Requirements

The U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulates the trucking industry. They issue and enforce requirements that include the following:

  • Driver hours of service limitations
  • Submission and retention of duty logs
  • Drug and alcohol testing
  • Size and weight standards
  • Licensing and insurance
  • Securing of cargo

In addition to federal regulations, New Jersey has its own state laws for commercial trucks. These primarily address routing issues regarding what roads trucks may or may not travel in our state depending on the size and weight of the rig. They also issue the speed limits to which trucks, just like everyone else on the road, must adhere. Unfortunately, far too many truckers break these reasonable limits in their eagerness to meet deadlines. Multi-ton vehicles traveling at excessive rates of speed often spell disaster for other drivers sharing the roads with big rigs.

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large truck on the road

Lependorf & Silverstein, P.C. has extensive experience pursuing these frequently complex cases and winning compensation for bereft families.

Responsibility for a Fatal Collision

Everyone involved in trucking is accountable for obeying all federal and state regulations. Therefore, lawsuits for wrongful death following a truck accident often involve pursuit of multiple defendants. Here are some of these potentially responsible parties:

  • Truck drivers
  • Trucking companies and owners
  • Maintenance garages
  • Cargo owners
  • Truck manufacturers
  • Truck parts manufacturers

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Call the Lawyers at Lependorf & Silverstein, P.C.

Your deadly truck accident attorneys will cast as wide a net as possible in order to hold accountable everyone whose negligence led to a fatal collision in New Jersey. The NJ injury attorneys at Lependorf & Silverstein, P.C. have extensive experience pursuing these frequently complex cases and winning compensation for bereft families. If you lost a family member in a truck accident, please contact us as soon as possible to find out which financial damages you may be entitled to receive from those at fault. There is no fee for an initial consultation, so call (609) 240-0040 today.

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Additional Information

The firm’s principals, Gabriel R. Lependorf and David E. Silverstein, have each been representing injured victims in the State of New Jersey for over thirty years.

Call Our Office At (609) 240-0040 Today for Help