Motorcycle accidents are on the rise nationwide.  While the rate of nearly all types of motor vehicle crashes has decreased nationwide in the past ten years, between 2005 and the present, the number of motorcycle accidents has increased considerably.  This includes an increase in motorcycle crash deaths. According to the Federal Highway Authority, about 2,500 motorcyclists are involved in accidents on New Jersey roads each year, with roughly 100 of these individuals losing their lives in the end.

Here are five facts about New Jersey motorcycle accidents that may surprise you:

  • More than half of all motorcycle crashes occur at intersections.  When a crash takes place at an intersection, the chances that it happened because the driver failed to pay proper attention in order to spot the motorcyclist are greater than two out of three.
  • Speeding is a factor in over two-thirds of all motorcycle accidents.
  • 22 percent of all motorcycle crash deaths in New Jersey in 2012 were suffered by riders who did not have a motorcycle endorsement.  Taking even one basic safety class can teach you maneuvers that may save your life.
  • A helmet may save your life or reduce the severity of an injury.  Helmets that meet federal safety standards improve your chance of survival in a serious crash by a minimum of 37 percent.
  • Safety courses are available throughout New Jersey.  Earning your motorcycle endorsement is just the beginning.  Many organizations offer safety skills courses for riders of all levels and abilities.

The firm’s principals, Gabriel R. Lependorf and David E. Silverstein, have each been representing injured victims in the State of New Jersey for over thirty years.

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